About Me

I'm 19 years old. I grew up in North Attleboro. I'm majoring in special ed. I love sports, reading, playing field hockey, chilling with my friends, and just being outside. Live life with a passion.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Charles Lawerence

Brown vs. Board of Ed.

Lawerence's Argument

Lawerence argues that the descision made in the Brown vs. Board of Education fostered a certain way of thinking that allowed/allows society and the judicary to deny the reality of race in America.


"If one views the Brown case narrowly, as a case intended to desegregate the nation's schools, history has proven it a clear failure"

This shows that Lawerence feels that just because schools were desegregated did not mean that it solved the problem, but in society and the judiciary's mind everything went away and the problem was fixed.

"The oppressor's understanding of his oppression is limited by self-interest, and ultimately we must find ways to make our oppression operate against the self-interest of those in power."

Lawerence is saying that society/the states only fix what they want or feel should be changed, and that if people want more done about it then they need to bring it to their attention in some other manner.

"Equality of education is not enough, there can be no equality under a segregated system. The American negro is not a dominant minority; therefore he must fight for complete elimination of segregation as his ultimate goal."

The way schools were set up children who were white got the better books, and the better education, children of color were left behind and did not get the same, their schooling was inferior to that of a white child. Showing that seperate is not equal.


I knew about this case but I did not know it in detail. It was interesting to learn more about it and to know that this case did change a lot but at the same time wasn't succesful in the way it should have been.

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