About Me

I'm 19 years old. I grew up in North Attleboro. I'm majoring in special ed. I love sports, reading, playing field hockey, chilling with my friends, and just being outside. Live life with a passion.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Our Guys

Special needs
"All American Guy"

Lefkowitz's Argument

Lefkowitz argues that because the boys involved in this horrible crime are privilged white male athletes, that this gives them amnesty and are excused for their actions.


"The silence of the students and adults. The inclination to blame the woman and exonerate the men."

This shows that the towns people of Glenn Ridge blame the victim who is special needs, for what happened to her. It couldn't possibly be the boys fault, because in their eyes they can do wrong.

"Often, they identified the victims of the tragedy. It was a short list: the young men who had been arrested, their families, and the good name of Glen Ridge. The list, more often than not, omitted the young woman in the basement and her family."

"Many of the parents didn't want to hear anything bad about their children."


Reading this story was horrifying. I wanted to stop reading it, but I couldn't put it down. What these young men did this poor girl is unexcusable and they should have been punished. But just because they are white male athletes and looked at as the golden boys, the all american boys, they walk away without a scratch. Its disgusting.

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